Tommy Robinson Enemy Of The State

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Tommy Robinson Silenced

Mohammed's Koran - Buy the book banned by Amazon, Ebay and most bookshops across the world.

by Peter McLoughlin and Tommy Robinson

Get it now while stocks last!
What is this book about?

Why is it that almost all the terrorism in the West comes from the small minority of our population who are Muslims. Why are they doing this if, as our politicians and clergy keep assuring us, Islam is a religion of peace? We are sure these questions are being asked in most homes. Your questions are answered in this book. The truth is that Islam is a religion of war, and the educated elite in the West have had proof of this for over 150 years. But since 9/11 they have been actively deceiving the rest of the population – because the elite dare not tackle the problem.

Our journalists have totally failed to challenge and correct the lies of politicians. So, the problem with Islam in the West has grown worse every year since the early 1990s. There is no sign that anything will be done to redress this until ordinary people take it upon themselves to understand Islam and then expose the lies which paralyse the West’s discussions of Islam.

This book provides you with a revolutionary way to understand Islam: you can understand the Koran within minutes instead of months. You will have concrete evidence that any part of the Koran which appears peaceful has been cancelled by subsequent commands to violence.

You will see with your own eyes that hostility and intolerance towards non-Muslims suffuses the Koran. When teachers indoctrinate your children or force them to attend a mosque, use our book to shame these educators for their part in the deception. After reading this book you will understand the threat facing your children’s future and you will have the knowledge to make politicians find some backbone. All over the world, history has shown that Islam offers two options: SUBMIT or DIE.

Following continued censorship from Facebook, Twitter, Google and Amazon, you can now buy the latest edition of this book on our website.  This fourth and final edition has the entire Koran highlighted and indexed.  The violent hatred and supremacism that is Islam jumps from the pages.  Islamic terrorism will never stop, because it is fundamental to Islam (as proven by this book).

If the book contained any significant errors then hostile reviewers would have easily have mounted a refutation. Instead, what cannot be refuted has to be banned.  When a book debuts at the No.1 position on Amazon and is then banned months later, it tells you that this is a book you need to have.

They are preventing you from reading the only Koran which exposes and denounces the hatred and violence promoted by every other Koran in existence.  The (so-called) liberal elite do not want you to see that the experts from the previous 150 years were warning us about the true nature of Islam.

Mohammed's Koran Featured Video
Why Mohammed's Koran Was Banned

In July 2017 when this book was published, it went straight to No.1 on Amazon.  Yes, the first self-published book in history to debut at the top of the Amazon charts.  And the media ignored it.  Read some of the 1000 five star reader reviews which Amazon also deleted when they banned this book. 

After twice vetting and approving Mohammed’s Koran for distribution, 18 months after printing and distributing this best-selling book, Amazon turned about-face and banned the publication and sale of the only edition of the Koran which denounces the terrorist violence inspired by the Koran! 

Yet Amazon continues to sell books which praise racist violence, e.g. Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Amazon’s behaviour is so irrational and inconsistent they can supply no reason for banning Mohammed’s Koran, a book which denounces violence and denounces hatred.  It’s as if we highlighted the Jew-hatred and violence in Mein Kampf which led to the Holocaust, and Amazon banned our book for proving that this is indeed what Mein Kampf contains. 

The shame of this censorship will forever reflect badly on Amazon as a publisher and bookseller.  The first 100 pages of the book argue that the elite have been deliberately deceiving the public for decades – and Amazon’s behaviour just proves this is the case.  If anyone could have refuted the evidence in the hundreds of footnotes, then they would have done so.  But no-one can refute the truth.

In February 2019, apparently under “orders from above”, Amazon banned this, the No.1 best-selling Koran in Britain. 

Muslim propagandists were delighted with Amazon’s unjustified and unjustifiable censorship, proving once more that Muslims are able to enforce sharia law upon non-Muslims in the West.

Using the most authoritative scholarly sources, this book decodes the Koran and shows non-Muslims what is being taught in Mosques and in universities in the West.  When the Koran chapters are placed in chronological order (something done by Western scholars of Islam more than 150 years ago), the meaning of Islam changes from preaching peace to commanding genocide and apartheid. 

It is demonstrated that the Quisling elite know the true meaning of Islam, but since 9/11 they have set about systematically deceiving the electorate in Western democracies.  Amazon’s ban is the final stage of this organized deceit.

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